Recent 5 years
Ayali A., Sonnenreich S., Pinchasik B-E (2024) Bio-Inspiration Unveiled: Dissecting Nature's Designs Through the Lens of the Female Locust’s Oviposition Mechanism. iScience. 27, 12, 111378.
Bleichman I., Shefi P., Kaminka G.A., and Ayali A. (2024) The visual stimuli attributes instrumental for collective motion-related decision-making in locusts. PNAS Nexus, pgae537.
Vellwock A.E., Sonnenreich S., Gershon S., Chang Y., Bertinetti L., Tadayon M., Ayali A., Politi Y. and Pinchasik B.E.(2024) Wear Mechanics of the Female Locust Digging Valves: the “Good Enough” Principle. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2413510 See also cover/frontispiece.
Shefi, P., Ayali, A., and Kaminka, G. A. (2024) Pausing Makes Perfect: Intermittent Pauses for Resilient Swarming. In International Symposium on Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems (DARS), Springer.
Klechevski C., Kats L., Ayali A. (2024) Obstacle Negotiation in Female Locust Oviposition Digging. Sci. Nat. 111:43.
Gershon S., Bar-On B., Ayali A., Pinchasik B-E (2024) Asymmetry between the dorsal and ventral digging valves of the female locust: function and mechanics. BMC Biology 22:129
Guershon M., Francos R.M., Ayali A., Hatuka T. (2024) Locust behavior and city topology: A novel biodynamic approach for assessing urban flow. iScience 27, 109922.
Levy, K., Wegrzyn, Y., Moaraf, S., Barnea, A., Ayali, A. (2024) When night becomes day: artificial light at night alters insect behavior under semi-natural conditions. Sci. Total Environ. 926, 171905.
Levy K., Barnea A., Tauber E., Ayali A. (2024) Crickets in the spotlight: exploring the impact of light on circadian behavior. J. Comp. Physiol. A.
Krongauz D.L., Ayali A., Kaminka G. (2024) Vision-based collective motion: A locust-inspired reductionist model. PLoS Comput. Biol. 20(1):e1011796. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1011796.
Aiden Y., Bleichman I., Ayali A. (2024) Pausing to swarm: locust intermittent motion is instrumental for swarming-related visual processing. Biol. Let. 20: 20230468.
Ayali A., Kaminka G. (2023) The hybrid bio-robotic swarm: a powerful tool for collective motionresearch. Frontiers in Neurorobotics. Front. Neurorobot., 17, 1215085.
Levy, K., Barnea, A., Ayali, A. (2023) Exposure to a nocturnal light pulse simultaneously and differentially affects stridulation and locomotion behaviors in crickets. Front. Physiol. 14:1151570. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2023.1151570
Bleichman I., Yadav P., Ayali A. (2023) Visual processing and collective motion-related decision making in desert locusts. Proc. R. Soc. B290: 20221862.
Shvil N., Golan A., Yovel Y., Ayali A., Maoz M. B. (2023) The locust antenna as an odor discriminator. Biosens. Bioelectron. 221, 114919.
Das R., Ayali A., Ibraheem A., Perlson E., Pinchasik BE (2022) The biomechanics of ultra-stretchable nerves. iScience 25, 105295.
Levy K., Fishman B., Barnea A., Ayali A., Tauber E. (2022) Transcriptional response of circadian clock genes to an 'artificial light at night' pulse in the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2022, 23, 11358.
Ariel G., Ayali A., Be’er A., Knebel D. (2022). Variability and Heterogeneity in Natural Swarms: Experiments and Modeling. In: Bellomo, N., Carrillo, J.A., Tadmor, E. (eds) Active Particles, Volume 3. Modeling and Simulation in Science, Engineering and Technology. Birkhäuser, Cham.
Owaki D., Manoonpong P., and Ayali A. (2022) Editorial: Biological and Robotic Inter-limb Coordination. Front. Robot. AI, 9:875493. doi: 10.3389/frobt.2022.875493
Das R., Gershon S., Bar-On B., Tadayon M., Ayali A. and Pinchasik B.E. (2022) The biomechanics of the locust ovipositor valves: a unique digging apparatus. J. R. Soc. Interface, 19: 20210955.
Lavy O., Lewin Epstein O., Gophna U., Gefen E., Hadany L. and Ayali a. (2022) Microbiome-related aspects of locust density-dependent phase transition. Environ. Microbiol. 27 (1), 507-516. Microbiologist Magazine June 2022 Must Read article.
Ayali A. and Couzin E. (2021) Insect neuroscience: roads less traveled. Curr. Opin. Insect Sci. 48, v-vii.
Levy K., Wegrzyn Y., Efrony R., Barnea A. and Ayali A. (2021) Lifelong exposure to artificial light at night impacts stridulation and locomotion activity patterns in the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 288: 20211626.
Couzin E. and Ayali A. (2021) The social brain of ‘non-eusocial’ insects. Curr. Opin. Insect Sci. 48, 1-7.
Bates A. E., Richard B., Primack R.B., PAN-Environment Working Group and Duarte C.M. (2021) Global COVID-19 lockdown highlights humans as both threats and custodians of the environment. Biol. Conserv. 109175.
David I and Ayali A. (2021) From motor-output to connectivity: an in-depth study of in-vitro rhythmic patterns in the cockroach Periplaneta americana. Front. Insect Sci. 1:655933. https://doi: 10.3389/finsc.2021.655933
Lavy O., Gophna U., Ayali A., Gihaz S., Fishman A., and Gefen E. (2021) The maternal foam plug constitutes a reservoir for the desert locust's bacterial symbionts. Environ. Microbiol., 23 (5),2461-2472.
Knebel D., Sha-ked C. Agmon N. Ariel G. and Ayali A. (2021) Collective motion as a distinct behavioral state of the individual. iScience, 102299.
Fishel I., Amit Y., Shvil N., Sheinin A., Ayali A. Yovel Y. and Maoz B. (2021) Ear-Bot: Locust Ear-on-a-Chip Bio-hybrid Platform. Sensors, 21(1), 228;
Van Houten, F., Wertheim, R., Ayali, A., Poverenov, E., Mechraz, G., Eckert, U., Rentzsch, H., Dani, I., Willocx, M. , Duflou, J.R. (2021) Bio-based design methodologies for products, processes, machine tools and production systems. CIRP J. Man. Sci. Tech. 32, 46-60.
Willocx M., Ayali A. and Duflou J.R. (2020) Where and how to find bio-inspiration. CIRP J. Man. Sci. Tech. 31, 61-67.
Lavy O., Gophna U., Gefen E.,and Ayali A. (2020) Locust bacterial symbionts: an update. Insects 11(10), 655;
Wegrzyn Y., Shapiro A., and Ayali A. (2020) Tight coupling of human walking and a four-legged walking-device. Eng. Res. Express. 2 036001.
Lavy O., Gophna U., Gefen E., and Ayali A. (2020) Dynamics of bacterial composition in the locust reproductive tract are affected by density dependent phase. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol., 96(4). pii: fiaa044. doi: 10.1093/femsec/fiaa044 EDITOR'S CHOICE
Ayali A. (2019) The puzzle of locust density-dependent phase polyphenism. Curr. Opin. Insect Sci. 35, 41-47.
Talal S., Ayali A. and Gefen E. (2019) Respiratory gas levels interact to control ventilatory motor patterns in isolated locust ganglia. J. Exp. Biol., 222, jeb195388. doi:10.1242/jeb.195388
Reches E., Knebel D., Rillich J., Ayali A. and Barzel B. (2019) The metastability of the double-tripod gait in locust locomotion. iScience 12, 53-65.
Knebel D., Ayali A., Guershon M. and Ariel G. (2019) Intra- vs. inter-group variance in collective behavior. Science Adv. Vol. 5, no. 1, eaav0695.
Lavy O., Gophna U., Gefen E., and Ayali A. (2019) Locust density does not directly affect gut bacterial composition. Front. Microbiol. 9:3020
Knebel D., Rillich J., Nadler L., Pfluger HJ, and Ayali A. (2019) The functional connectivity between the locust leg pattern generators and the subesophageal ganglion higher motor center. Neurosci. Lett. 692: 77-82.