In press and under review
Levy K., Aidan, Y.Y., Paz, D., Medlij, H., and Ayali A. (2024) Light alters calling-song characteristics in crickets: possibly affecting female mate choice. Under Review.
Amir A., Yuval O. and Ayali A. (2024) Six-legged-bound: a newly-described insect gait. Under Review.
Bleichman I., Shefi P., Kaminka G.A., and Ayali A. (2024) The visual stimuli attributes instrumental for collective motion-related decision-making in locusts. Under Review.
Ayali A., Sonnenreich S., Pinchasik B-E (2024) Bio-Inspiration Unveiled: Dissecting Nature's Designs Through the Lens of the Female Locust’s Oviposition Mechanism. Under Review. See also: bioRxiv 2024;
Das R., David I., Ayali A., Pinchasik, B-E (2024) A tentative role for vibration-based communication in locust collective behavior. See: